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2021年10月25日 14:03  点击:[]







The Chinese Dream Will Benefit Not Only the People of China, But Also of Other Countries


The Chinese nation has emerged resilient from trials and tribulations, and it never gave up the pursuit of its beautiful dreams. Realizing the Chinese Dream of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been a long-cherished wish of the Chinese people since the advent of modern times.


In this new historical period, the essence of the Chinese Dream is to make our country prosperous and strong, revitalize the nation and make the people live better lives. Our objectives are to double the 2010 GDP and per capita income of urban and rural residents, and complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. By mid-century, we aim to build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious, and realize the Chinese Dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation.


To realize the Chinese Dream,we must adhere the path of socialism with Chinese Characteristics.We have followed this path for 30 years,and history has shown us that this is the correct path that suits China's national conditions,a path that make the people rich and the country strong.We will firmly continue along this path.


To realize the Chinese Dream, we must carry forward the Chinese spirit. We need to use the national spirit of patriotism and spirit of the times centered on reform and innovation to bring forth the vigor and vitality of the whole nation.


To realize the Chinese Dream, we must build up cohesive strength. Empty talk harms the country, while hard work makes it flourish. We need to use the wisdom and strength of our country’s 1.3 billion people to build a strong China and a prosperous nation with the constant efforts of the Chinese people for generations to come.


To realize the Chinese Dream, we must pursue peaceful development. We will always follow the path of peaceful development and pursue an opening-up strategy that brings mutual benefits. We will concentrate both on China’s development and on our responsibilities and contributions to the world as a whole. We will bring benefits to both the Chinese people and the people of the rest of the world. The realization of the Chinese Dream will bring the world peace, not turmoil, opportunities, not threats.


Although there is a vast ocean between China and Latin America, we are connected heart and soul. We are bound together not only by profound traditional friendship and close interests, but also by our common pursuit of beautiful dreams.


In recent years Latin American and Caribbean countries have made steady progress in achieving common development through joint efforts. The establishment of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States fully testifies to the vigorous efforts made by Latin America and the countries of the Caribbean to realize the dream of unity, coordination and common development championed by the pioneers of the Latin American and Caribbean independence movements.


China is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries hand in hand, supporting one another and cooperating sincerely on the path to realizing the great dream of development and prosperity.


上一条:学习讲故事|见证伟大变革 感悟辉煌成就 下一条:【学习强国】人民日报评孟晚舟回国:没有任何力量能够阻挡中国前进的步伐


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